First, this picture is not the the “Twilight Zone” This is really the screen of our TV.
This was the first tornado warning that we have been through. The local news reported that the storm was headed right at Haskins. It didn’t look terrible outside, so we decided to use this opportunity to inform our friends in Utah what it was like to live through a Tornado scare.
First off: Everything is fine and nothing has been damaged. Lots of rain and wind, but it ended up going right over us.
We will add some videos later, but here are the photos from this adventure. Notice the sequence, I tried to tell the story with an accurate time line.
- Dark clouds outside and the pouring rain
- The National Weather Alert
- Following the local news online in the dark, cold basement
- Cold but not afraid. (obviously)
- Made it out of the basement after about 25 minutes. (not bad)
This might not be that exciting, but tornado’s don’t come around too often in Utah
On second thought, I did a little research and I do remember this happening. A long time ago, back when it was the Delta Center. – – Salt Lake City Tornado in 1999.
Below is the video that we took from our front porch. This was before the storm got “serious” – – At this point we thought it was a “measly” rain storm.