Now this picture brings up a ton of different memories. I can’t believe I still have it in my phone.
For those that don’t know, this was going to be/was the first automobile I ever purchased.
Dad took me “truck” shopping in SLC and we drove home with this beautiful 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 from Larry H. Miller Used Cars. (referred to as LHM for the remainder of this story)
When’s the last time you saw a dodge truck factory orange? I was in love. . . . 🙂
Sadly, the truck lasted about 1 week and then broke down and we had to return it, which started a sequence of very odd exchanges combined with terrible salesmanship.
I could probably write a much better story with great description and detail, but instead I will just hit you with the main points.
Take a seat for this one . . .
They were going to fix it, then they weren’t; then they said they would find me another one; then they couldn’t find another one; then they found a blue one and we drove all the way to SLC and he told us it was at a tent event and he couldn’t find it; then we got a call and he found a silver one and we test drove it; it had 3 bald tires and a tan interior, yuck, it wasn’t half the truck that orange one was; then we sat down to talk numbers and he asked for 2,000 more dollars than we paid for the orange one; so we told him that we wanted him to fix the orange one instead and he said okay: a few weeks past. We assumed it was in the shop being fixed up just for me. 🙂
BUT then we saw it in the Autotrader magazine for sale at a dealership in Ogden, WHAT!!!,
So……… we drove to LHM in SLC to confront the lovely salesman, we asked why it was in Ogden when they said they were fixing it for me? The salesman began to tell us how it was “technically theirs” and that if I wanted it, he would get it for us; Wait what?? Still laughing, we drove to Ogden with Brandon, Makayela, and Katie. And test drove the truck. It had new tires and even a new engine. Awesome, we drove back to LHM and told him that “we would take it”. Knowing that he was full of complete B.S., but we wanted to see what would happen. (He was shaking in his boots through this entire process)
The above story is completely true. I tried to “Get Gephardt” his a$$, but I didn’t get my e-mail returned.
I don’t think I could make up something that complex anyway.
It was quite a ride, I got my check returned and that was it. Never heard anything else from LHM. I have the 2nd key from the truck to prove it.
I may have left out some details; if you remember, let me know in the comments.